Monday, October 5, 2009

Who I Am

Nuwan Jayanath Samarasekera

Personal Vision

I envision a future where I contribute to uplift the quality of human life through my technical expertise and creativity.

Where I have worked

* Successfully completed remote internship at Eclipse foundation under the Google Summer of Code 2009 program. (Refer “Specific Google Services provider for Eclipse Communication framework” under projects involved)

* Completed internship program at Integrated Systems International (Mubasher) Ltd, where I worked for 6 months partaking in the development of a web based stock market trading application using Java.

What I have learnt

* Currently a final year Engineering Undergraduate at the University of Moratuwa, Specializing in Computer Science and Engineering (SGPA: 3.70)

What I have Achieved

* Won 4th place at the ACM-ICPC 2007 and 2008 regional Programming Competition held in Kanpur, India.

* Won 5th place at the ACM-ICPC 2008 regional Programming Competition held in Amrithapuri, India.

* Represented Sri Lanka at the International Olympiad in Informatics 2006 (IOI ’06) held in Yucatan, Mexico.

* Won High honors certificate at the Sri Lankan Mathematics competition 2005

* Won Gold medal at the Australian chemistry quiz 2005 and was awarded a scholarship to follow Diploma in Chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon

What I have done

* Specific Google Services Provider for Eclipse Communication Framework

In this project I created an eclipse plug-in that extended the Eclipse Communication Framework to support GTalk. Using this plug-in, users could utilize extended features supported in GTalk such as Off the Record Chatting, Shared Status Messages, and Integration with Gmail as well as voice chat and file transfer sessions with other GTalk users. In the future I am planning add support to Google Voice as well.


* Canvas- Collaboration tool based on XMPP

In this project, I created a collaboration tool called “Canvas” which enabled users to communicate graphically with each other by allowing them to draw/write on a canvas simultaneously (This supported many novel features such as chat-on-drawings, custom shapes, optimizations to speed of communication, multiple paper-types etc.)

* Glutter: Stream Processing WWW Data:

I am currently working on the aforesaid project, where we intend to create a complete solution for applying CEP (Complex event processing) and SEP (Stream Event Processing) technologies to data sources in the World Wide Web, thus letting users extract useful personalized information by letting them remix and process the data sources in the Web.

* Autonomous Robot navigation using GPS

In this, we made an autonomous robot which travels to a given target with GPS navigation and obstacle avoidance with sonar sensors and touch switches. In this project I took the responsibility of programming the IC to interact with the sensory devices and take movement decisions according to the sensory information.

Where I have lead

At University:

* Vice President of the Rotaract Club (’09-’10)

* Director for the avenue of Club Services of the Rotaract Club (‘08-‘09)

* Director-Electronic Media of the Rotaract Club (‘07-’08)

* Chief Student Organizer of 12th Annual CS&ES AGM and Conference 2009.

* Co-Chairperson of “Are You Ready? 2008” – The Official Careers’ Fair of University of Moratuwa

* Participated at the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA 2007) program, organized by the Rotary District 3220.

* Participated in “Beyond Boundaries 2007”, an outbound training program conducted by Commando Regiment Training School at Uva-Kuda Oya.

At School:

* Treasurer of the school English Literary Union (2005)

* Treasurer of the school Interact Club (2004-2005)

* Asst. Secretary of the school Mathematics Association (2005)

* Secretary of the school Technological Society (2005)

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